Thursday, November 6, 2008

my understanding of 'Citizen Journalism'

In my personal view, so far, citizen journalism is quite remarkable features that internet media has brought. Moreover, it includes various forms such as independent news websites, podcasts and other personal broadcast sites.

Citizen journalism is quite close to democratic journalism that involves regular people although both journalists and journalism are not professional. In other words, it seems that citizen journalism does not require academic and professional techniques and writings. So, anyone can be a journalist and have their own opinion about any topic and issues without any restriction.

As citizen journalism is made and analyzed by averaage people, it might provide more sympathetic views to readers than public and media press.

1 comment:

♥Boae♥ said...

Hi, Sunny. I agree with your explanation of citizen journalism. As you pointed out, citizen journalism allows the ordinary people to have their own ideas or views on any news or issues even though they are not professional journalists. I think that citizen journalism is very democratic as you said, and a surprising innovation. Take us, for example: we are now onto citizen journalists who express the world freely. -Boae